S. Nėries str. 5, Room 105/2
S. Nėries str. 5, Room 105/2
Project AquaGOOD
Project title: “Diversification of goods harvested from aquatic ecosystems at South Baltic small ports and communities”
Project number: STHB.01.02-IP.01-0004/23.
Project activities implementation period: 01 July 2024 - 30 June 2027 (36 months).
The AquaGOOD project aims to facilitate the exchange of technological expertise and foster collaborative initiatives between small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and scientific research institutions. This collaboration will focus on the innovative application of South Baltic marine life to broaden the portfolio of products derived from this ecosystem, thereby enhancing the regional economic diversification.
Expected project results:
1. A cross-border innovative seafood product offer;
2. A cross-border innovative thalassotherapy product offer.
3. Two training programmes developed, focusing on increasing SMEs capacity in technology transfer on aquaculture and thalassotherapy;
4. Two developed tailor-made feasibility studies for SMEs on aquaculture and thalassotherapy.
5. Establishment of the network of six organisations cooperating across borders, following the Quadruple Helix principle, continuously collaborating after project implementation.
The common challenge addressed by the AquaGOOD project is the need to join efforts to strengthen the role of the South Baltic Area as a hub for promoting blue economy innovations, particularly in peripheral areas like small ports, where the socio-economic disparities with urban-rural and west-east divides in the economic attainment of the SMEs and innovation capacity are acute. Another challenge is reprofiling the South Baltic small ports due to dwindling fisheries.
Yet, there is considerable potential for transferring and deploying cutting-edge technologies based on local aquatic ecosystem goods in the seafood and thalassotherapy sectors. Therefore, the transfer of best practices from the western South Baltic small ports with the flourishing networks of innovative SMEs to the eastern counterparts is vital. Hence, the project's overall objective is to promote technology transfer and cooperation between SMEs and research entities through innovative solutions for the diversification of goods harvested from South Baltic aquatic ecosystems. The expected change the project will make to the current situation is an improvement of the innovation climate and internationalisation in South Baltic small ports to facilitate innovative uses of aquatic ecosystem goods.
Project activities:
• Conduct a joint survey of innovative seafood and thalassotherapy production technologies based on local aquatic ecosystem goods
• Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment to understand the specific requirements and preferences of the SMEs in South Baltic small ports.
• Pilot testing of the developed aquacultural production offer in a small port.
• Develop the business plan and recommendations for new aquatic food production.
• Develop a mini demo aquaculture at the LP visitor centre.
• Research on remedial properties and potential health side effects.
• Develop and implement three local showcases in small ports of the South Baltic Area.
• Create an educational video on success stories in innovative harvesting of local aquatic ecosystem goods.
• Present the project results at an international Baltic regional innovation fair and organise final project conference with the participation of high-level stakeholders and experts.
Project partners:
LP - Administration of Lithuania Minor Protected Areas;
Project partner 1 – Gdynia Maritime University (GMU);
Project partner 2 - Klaipeda University;
Project partner 3- EUCC Baltic Office;
Project partner 4 – Ecopelag (SME);
Project partner 5 – Ustka Port Authority.
LP - Administration of Lithuania Minor Protected Areas;
Project partner 2
Klaipeda University
Total project budget EUR 1 269 546,00 (ERDF EUR 1 015 636,80)
Klaipeda University budget EUR 143 000,00 (ERPF 114400,00 EUR)
The project is funded by the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021 – 2027 2nd call for project proposals
Priority 1: Innovative South Baltic – enhancing the level of innovation and internationalization of local actors Program Measure
1.2: Building connectivity of the region through internationalisation.
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